Birnbaum Interpreting Services Consulting, Workshops, and Trainings

The experts at BIS consult with clients to provide a number of workshops, seminars and training sessions. We provide these services for client administrators, employees, individuals—and even interpreters. Our team creates custom programs to fit the specific communication needs of your business or agency!

BIS puts on programs to enrich interested parties in the following areas:

  • Introduction of Basic American Sign Language and application of ASL vocab and syntax

  • Review of ASL Basic and to incorporate ASL Intermediate vocabulary and grammar

  • Ongoing skills development to work successfully alongside various government agencies

  • Culture and diversity of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community's way of life

  • Ethical Discussion Groups (EDG)

  • An overview of integrating sign language interpreters in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing's workplace or agency. Learn the different types of preferred sign language interpreting modes: ASL, Signed English, Oral, Cued Speech and Tactile (for Deaf-Blind)

  • Legal guideline on ADA Compliance for agencies and businesses to integrate Deaf and Hard of Hearing employees at the workplace or agencies

  • Provides an overview of how Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Hearing employees can effectively and seamlessly work together. Includes a Deaf-awareness component for the hearing employees and a hearing-awareness component for the Deaf employees

  • Provides insightful information on how to maximize the use of spoken language interpreters. Includes interpreter etiquette and do's and don’ts of using an interpreter.

the Americans with disabilities act (ada)

BIS strives to provide resources and services for clients so they can comply with the
American with Disabilities Act (ADA) law. As long-time service providers for Deaf and
hard-of-hearing communities, BIS is a rich, experienced resource for questions regarding the ADA, including pertinent information and advice on how to ensure that your business or organization is always compliant with the law. 

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Signed into law July 26, 1990 by President George H.W. Bush, then amended January 1, 2009

  • Civil Rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability

  • Disability is defined by the ADA as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.

  • Title II prohibits disability discrimination by all public entities at the local (i.e. school district, municipal, city, county), state, and federal levels

  • Title II regulations protect equal access to all programs and services offered by public entities

  • Access includes physical access described in the ADA Standards for Accessible Design and programmatic access that might be obstructed by discriminatory policies or procedures

  • Reasonable accommodation (n): “adjustment made in a system to "accommodate" or make fair the same system for an individual based on a proven need”

  • Method of communication is in the jurisdiction of the Deaf consumer